Got a pickle bucket from firehouse subs ($2) and a gamma seal lid from home depot ($6) for storing dog food for the apocalypse... so we can fatten them up and eat them. Don't name your food, isn't that right random dog #2?
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![]() What was your zombie plan prep for today? Got a pickle bucket from firehouse subs ($2) and a gamma seal lid from home depot ($6) for storing dog food for the apocalypse... so we can fatten them up and eat them. Don't name your food, isn't that right random dog #2?
Community question: we never claim to be experts we just like putting out ideas and getting feedback so we all learn and survive. Do you carry any medical supplies with you as part of your Every Day Carry gear? In full kit we would of course carry a variety of tourniquets, bandages, clotting agents and if possible have a medic behind us. There are some really nice kits by Dark Angel and ITS but as with anything it can be pricey. We found the Swat-T tourniquet online for $10 and by ordering some extra stuff was able to get free shipping through Rescue Essentials on amazon. Threw it in the foodsaver vacuum sealer with a pair of gloves and a maxi-pad (there are 3 women in the household so carrying one will always come in handy) Figured the maxi-pad would be a makeshift bandage with the handkerchief that is always on hand and using the Swat-t we might have a good little EDC trauma kit. We may end up replacing the maxi-pad with the z-fold gauze or even buy the quick clot gauze. Just threw this together today and put it in the back pocket. (you gotta start your plan somewhere). Thoughts? What do you carry? Anyone ever use a Swat-T tourniquet or a maxi-pad for a bandage? (threw the knife and our Costanza-esque wallet in there for scale to show you that you CAN start carrying a small trauma kit) (Disclaimer: We are not medics, always remember "First Do No Harm" and "ABC": "Ambulance Be Coming". We are not affiliated with ITS Tactical, Dark Angel Medical, Amazon, Swat-T or Rescue Essentials) |
June 2018
Zombie Tactical CordZombie Tactical Cord's opinions should not be considered legal advice, just awesome advice. Categories
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