If you’re a family member of someone who has a food allergy and this post sounds offensive to you, please ask questions of your allergy suffering loved ones, don’t necessarily do it in front of 30 people and ask “why can’t you have my homemade lasagna?” but find out what they have and google it. Death is a reaction to some allergies, stomach pain, throat closure, EPI pens and enemas are just some of the side effects and treatments.
For those that have food allergies and are eating your “special food” out of a plastic container with an EPI pen in your pocket: you are not alone. There are those who understand that grandma’s homemade mac and cheese surprise is deadly to you, and that certain foods are poison. As parents of a child with food allergies (eosinophilic esophagitis) we understand, we know that you lie everyday with the “I’m not hungry” or “I just ate”. We know the look people give you like it is an insult that you don’t eat the food they spent all day making but it’s more of an insult that they expect you to just taste it and end up in the hospital. Be patient with them, it’s not ignorance; it’s just that they don’t understand. We saw a post on a friend’s page that said something like “you wouldn’t ask someone with a peanut allergy to try a piece of pecan pie just this once” but those with gluten, soy, dairy, protein allergies, this is an everyday occurrence. We know you stay home and don’t go to family get together just to avoid the “you have got to taste this dressing” or just to avoid the temptation or the pain knowing what you used to eat. Please don’t be angry with them just try to educate them as best you can. Take your cooler, your allergen free salad dressing, your dairy free egg nog, your “safe food” and eat them with pride, you are not alone and some of us understand.
If you’re a family member of someone who has a food allergy and this post sounds offensive to you, please ask questions of your allergy suffering loved ones, don’t necessarily do it in front of 30 people and ask “why can’t you have my homemade lasagna?” but find out what they have and google it. Death is a reaction to some allergies, stomach pain, throat closure, EPI pens and enemas are just some of the side effects and treatments.
Happy Thanksgiving Horde! (Well, to all our US friends) To everyone else: Happy Thursday! See, there were these Pilgrims and Indians and a turkey... and then the whole "curse your sudden and inevitable betrayal" followed by a big sale where people go crazy over furbies or beanie babies or whatever people riot and trample each other over that will just end up in the trash in a few weeks... Main thing is get to get together with family and friends and over eat... and a few people set their house on fire deep frying turkeys which is amazing (the turkey, not the fire). We don't understand it either but there is pie so it's all good. Have a great day! “Someone once asked me why people sing. I answered that they sing for many of the same reasons the birds sing. They sing for a mate, to claim their territory, or simply to give voice to the delight of being alive in the midst of a beautiful day. Perhaps more than the birds do, humans hold a grudge. They sing to complain of how grievously they have been wronged, and how to avoid it in the future. They sing to help themselves execute a job of work. They sing so the subsequent generations won’t forget what the current generation endured, or dreamed, or delighted in.” - Linda Ronstadt
Please everyone, if you have the choice, cover it up.
Carrying a weapon on my side every work day for the past 20 years, everywhere you go, all eyes go to "the gun". Walk into a store people stare, talk to people they keep looking down at it, kids walk up and literally try to touch it... all. the. time. You are instantly the center of attention a possibly a target. Hey pal, our eyes are up here, like a lady with a low cut blouse, people can't help but look. A couple years ago, I was in a Cracker Barrel and the waitress asked "are you allowed to carry a gun like that?" she looked only at the gun... ignoring the flashlight, the leatherman tool, the walkie talkie, the tactical pants, boots, the all black uniform, the ID hanging from my neck, and the badge on my shirt. If your only option is to either open carry or leave it at home, of course always be armed. We are all for gun rights, but, If you can, be discrete: be like a ninja hiding in the tall grass ready to protect yourself and others. This is just our opinion, what are your thoughts? Follow us for more awesomeness and use code: "blog5" for 5% off in out store: www.zombietacticalcord.com Did you remember to fall back an hour and set your clocks back?
Or are your clocks finally right after being off a hour for the first time in 6 months because you never changed them? Some people may put off thing for 6 months or longer thinking they will sort themselves out or that it's "Future Me's" problem. Don't put things off until the last minute. Prepare for the future, start a zombie plan and maybe replace on those smoke detector batteries while you're at it. If you clock is flashing 12:00 because you never ever set it, you might have a problem :) |
June 2018
Zombie Tactical CordZombie Tactical Cord's opinions should not be considered legal advice, just awesome advice. Categories