Sometimes prepping for the apocalypse or the next hurricane can cause unforeseen issues… people. That’s one of the best lessons you can learn from watching shows like the Walking Dead, it’s the living that can cause the most drama.
Regardless if it’s zombies or winter, stocking supplies is a must, but sometimes you have to hide your preps.
We all know we gotta have a zombie plan but if your family or friends know everything you have squirreled away, you might lose your nuts. Kids will pilfer their bug out bags for clean socks, your neighbor might come over with the whole “Hey, my grill ran out of gas and it’s halftime, can I borrow your extra tank of propane so I don’t miss the game?”, or in a recent case at our lair, you can’t even get your supplies to your hidey hole without the family raiding it like hungry raccoons. Hell, our youngin' can go through a box of ramen like an actual trash panda, she doesn't even cook them, just eats them raw because "it's so much work" to boil water for 3 minutes! :O
So sometimes you have to look like someone hiding a body; bringing things into the house at 3am wrapped in a blanket (like I have the newest case under an old blanket in the garage) just to defeat your friends and family. Sometimes you even have to put out some decoy supplies to hide the main stash. Determination and cunning can be your best allies when preparing for the worst. Remember to rotate items out as necessary and mark the “Use By Date” clearly on the package so it’s easy to see what needs to go first.
Good luck prepping Horde, Be Ready, Stay Safe. Winter is Coming
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